How to add React JS to your Ruby on Rails App with Webpacker

reactjs rails webpacker

This tutorial will guide you on how to create a Ruby on Rails application and add the power of webpacker and React JS to it.

Let’s have a brief introduction to Webpacker and React JS. If you are familiar with React JS and Webpacker directly go to Implementation section.

What is React JS?

You can find the list of sites that use React JS here. It includes Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Khan Academy, Asana etc. to name a few.

Yeahhh.. That’s cool!!!

Why React JS?

If your page uses a lot of fast updating data or real time data - React is the way to go.

That’s a small introduction about React JS.

What is webpacker?

At its core, webpacker is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. It is responsible to bundle all our .jsx, .sass, .hbs etc. code into normal js and css that our browser understands after necessary pre-compilation.

That was a small introduction to webpacker. Now, let’s start creating the rails app.

Technology Stack

$ rails new rails-react-webpacker
$ cd rails-react-webpacker

Add webpacker and react-rails to your Gemfile and run the installers.

$ bundle install
$ rails webpacker:install
$ rails webpacker:install:react
$ rails generate react:install

After the successful completion the of the above commands. You will have the directory structure like below image.

Javascript folder structure.
All of our React components shall go to app/javascript/components/ directory.

The content of app/javascript/packs/application.js is as following.

The line var componentRequireContext = require.context("components", true) makes the react components available to our rails app.

Now, we just need to add the above file into our application layout file at app/views/layouts/application.html.erb.

Let’s create a home controller with index method. We will mount our first react component to app/views/home/index.html.erb file.

$ rails g controller home index

Now, let’s create our first React Component.

rails g react:component GreetUser name:string

Running the above command will create our first react component at app/javascript/components/GreetUser.js.

Now, replace contents of app/javascript/components/GreetUser.js to match below.

In above file the GreetUser component is expecting name props.

Now, to add the component to view we need to use the react_component helper. So change the contents of app/views/home/index.html.erb to match below.

Now, this calls our GreetUser component and passes the name (here ‘Ankur‘) as a props to our component.

Now, visit localhost:3000/home/index you should see the following screen.

First React Component!

If you have added React Developer Tools to your browser. Then you must see the output as the following snap.

React component view from React Developer Tools

You can find the whole github code here.

So start using React JS with Rails and feel the difference!!!

Click here for more details…

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