Rails 6 Development: Railties Module Changes

Rails 6 Development

The good news is Rails 6 is officially out and there are some changes and deprecations are shipped with it.

Let’s walk through the notable changes shipped in the Railties module.

Below are the major changes shipped with this:

If one wants to use staging encrypted credentials use below command

rails credentials:edit --environment staging

This will create files config/credentials/staging.yml.enc and config/credentials/staging.key

When calling Rails.application.credentials in staging environment, it takes precedence over default config/credentials.yml.enc

Default paths can be overwritten by setting config.credentials.content_path and config.credentials.key_path. It is worth to note that the change is backward compatible.

Read Also: Notable ActiveRecord Changes In Rails 6 – Part 3

That’s all for now and stay tuned for more features and changes added in Rails 6 in upcoming blogs!!

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