Top 10 Tips to Boost Ruby on Rails Performance

Ruby on Rails Development

We all know that Ruby on Rails is excellent for developing web applications. The framework powers some of the most powerful web applications, including Shopify, Basecamp, GitHub, and even twitter. RoR Developers say that it is one of the easiest frameworks to work with. Project managers agree that Ruby on Rails reduces their costs and time by a factor of nearly 20-40%.

But even the best frameworks face lag. Ruby on Rails web development is far from perfect – but it delivers results. Companies agree to its efficiency. However, developers may face several issues in the framework. These can be due to human inefficiencies or internal glitches. In this article, we share 10 tips to boost the performance of your development process with Ruby on Rails.

Why choose Ruby on Rails in the first place?

Understanding the framework is the first to identify how to improve Ruby on Rails performance. It is the choice of web development platform for companies all across the globe. AirBnb, Basecamp, Shopify, GitHub, and several other MNCs use Ruby on Rails for web development. The latest version, Rails 6, is highly popular amongst developers and companies for developing interactive web apps.

However, Rails performance may also take the development experience downhill if the environment is not properly set up. But since Ruby on Rails is such an extensible and simplistic framework, it offers solutions for that as well. Rails 7 is a Rails 6 performance improvement, feature addition, and much richer version of the framework. Ruby on Rails is the perfect technology for enterprise and companies that want rapid app development.

Read Also: Common Mistakes to Avoid When Working with Rails Migrations

Why there is Need to Optimize Ruby on Rails Application?

Ruby on Rails is used extensively by companies of all sizes. The improvement of a Ruby on Rails app depends highly upon the performance of the framework. When Ruby on Rails optimization takes place, there can be better coding and much higher quality of applications. Since the performance of a web application depends upon the performance of its framework, it is important that Ruby on Rails doesn’t face any lag during the development process. 

If you are using Rails 6, the first performance improvement is to upgrade the version to Rails 7. Even though you can do Rails 6 performance improvements, it would not be as good as the next version. Since Rails 6 would be more secure and better loaded with features, it makes sense to migrate your Ruby version for improving the overall performance of your web application.

Read more: Top Reasons Why Businesses Should Invest in Ruby on Rails Development

Tips to Optimize the Performance of a Ruby on Rails App

Here are the ten significant tips that can drive the performance of your Ruby on Rails app development process:

Multiply Your Application’s Performance With Ruby on Rails

In this article, we began by learning why companies should choose Ruby on Rails for web application development. It is affordable, extensible, scalable, and offers rapid prototyping capabilities. After that, we looked at why the performance of the Ruby on Rails framework matters. The framework’s performance impacts the performance of a web application – therefore, Ruby on Rails needs to perform smoothly.

Finally, we identified 10 things that could improve the performance of the framework. These tips will also lead to the performance improvement of the web application.

By following the above tips, any developer can multiply the performance of their processes. If you’re looking to build a web application that performs better, we can help. BoTree Technologies is a leading Ruby on Rails web development company that builds top-notch web applications for companies all over the world.

Consulting is free – let us help you grow!

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