9 Common Java Development Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

Java Development Mistakes

Java is one of the most used programming languages amongst the developers, with roughly 65% of respondents to a survey by Statista stating that they used JavaScript more than any language. In addition, many major mobile web applications like Spotify, Twitter, Opera Mini, Signal, and more have been built using the very stable and reliable Java programming language.

The programming language has been ruling several ecosystems for quite a while. Portability, automated garbage collection, and an easy learning curve are some of the things that make Java software development a great choice. 

However, while Java may be the most famous and robust programming language, it is still prone to developer error. This blog attempts to convey 9 Java development mistakes. So let’s dive into it. 

9 Common Mistakes That Java Developers Make

As with any programming language, Java developers can make a variety of mistakes that can lead to bugs, performance issues, or security vulnerabilities. Some common mistakes Java developers make:

1. Planning Before Coding:  

2. Never Memorize Codes: 

3. Forgetting to Break : 

4. Avoid Memory Leaks: 

5. Free the Resources: 

6.  Do Not Avoid Libraries: 

A curated List of Java Frameworks
  Source: www.github.com

7. Implement Standard Designs: 

8. Confusing (==) for Equals while Comparing: 

9. Not Using Curly Braces: 

Read More:- 7 Top Use Cases of Java Development to Know in 2022


Being a Java developer is an exciting work profile specifically for those who like logic and reasoning. However, when the work gets challenging, mistakes may happen, no matter if you are a beginner or experienced. 

Knowing the common design mistakes in advance can proactively avoid or reduce your production time while producing quality applications. In addition, understanding these can help you solve your JavaScript, HTML, and Java code problems.

In the end, whatever you do to avoid the mistake, acknowledging any Java development mistakes in your code, is the first step. Amongst other Java development best practices, this way, you can fix your errors immediately so the code can run efficiently.

If you are looking for a Java developer with a robust development environment and a worthy quality control mechanism, contact BoTree Technologies. Our expert Java developers are waiting for you.

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