Pros and Cons of Ruby on Rails for Web Development

Pros and cons of using Ruby on Rails framework

Why Use Ruby on Rails for Web Development: Choosing the Right Technology

Ruby and Rails is a popular web development framework created by David Hansson in 2004 to improve developer productivity without compromising with the quality of the code.

Since then, Ruby on Rails for Web Development has powered nearly 3 million websites and applications. There are countless pros and cons of Ruby on Rails, making it the developer’s first consideration for web projects.

While there are other Ruby on Rails web development framework like Selenium and Watir, nothing comes as close to MIT-licensed Ruby on Rails.

Ruby on Rails for Web Development: Difference between Ruby and Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a powerful programming language. It is an interpreted object-oriented programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995. The aim was to reduce the complexity of coding for web applications. Ruby on Rails consulting focuses on eliminating redundancies and reducing the development time.

Ruby on Rails is a web development framework of Ruby. By using the Ruby programming language, developers can build high-performance web applications.

Beginners may confuse Ruby on Rails framework with Ruby. The framework is synonymous with the programming languages these days because of its high popularity, but such should not be the case.


Ruby on Rails Web Development Specialization with Development Architecture

Ruby on Rails was built to deliver rapid products. It is often called as the “startup technology” because of its rapid MVP capabilities. The Ruby on Rails community loves the framework for its quick product releases.

Ruby on Rails applications are built using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) principle. Model focuses on the relationship between the object and the database. View involves the templates that are used to build data views for users of the applications. Controller integrates the model and view for web app development.

It closely follows the Convention Over Configuration and Doesn’t Repeat Yourself principles as well. Ruby on Rails is known for the initial setup which might sound rigid but is actually an advantage over flexible frameworks like Django and FLASK.

Pros and Cons of Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails developers extensively uses the framework to build all sorts of applications ranging from consumer-focused to enterprise apps. It is a fast framework with a plethora of benefits.

However, there are some Ruby on Rails advantages and disadvantages for web development you should consider while building large-scale enterprise applications.

Here are the Ruby on Rails pros and cons that will help you decide whether Ruby on Rails applications are worth it or not:-


Is Ruby on Rails Good for Web Development?

Following are some of the pros of Ruby on Rails that showcase why it is the perfect technology for building powerful web apps:-

Check out the list of top 10 RubyGems regularly use in Ruby on Rails Projects

Keep Reading: Top Ruby on Rails Web Development Mistakes Companies Should Avoid

What are the Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails?

Read Also: Ruby on Rails Development Challenges

Is Ruby on Rails worth it in 2021?

Ruby on Rails is still worth it in 2021. If you are looking to build rapid web applications at a cost effective price, then Rails is the framework for you. It has tons of widely popular RubyGems that ensure developers achieve efficiency and productivity.

Since 2021 is the year where companies are moving towards digitization and want to achieve economies of scale to cover their losses, Ruby on Rails framework appears to be the right choice. 

Learn Ruby on Rails for Web Development: Yay or Nay?

If you want a small-scale application with powerful features, Ruby on Rails for web development is the way to go. It offers you everything that is needed for an application that doesn’t have a large audience. The above pros and cons of Ruby on Rails provide a clear view of how the framework can help in building dynamic web applications.

For a large-scale application, Ruby on Rails might be a poor framework. Needless to say, with Rails 6.0, the multiple database connection capabilities have certainly upped the game. If you are a startup looking for an affordable web application, you should definitely go for Ruby on Rails.

BoTree Technologies is an experienced Ruby on Rails agency, building powerful web applications at an affordable price.

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