Ruby Best Practices to Follow in Daily Coding
A cleanly written code is more easy to understand As...
Ruby on Rails, Technology
Solidus: How to Install and Write Extensions in Rails App
What is Solidus? Solidus is a complete open source e-commerce solution...
Detecting Malicious Threats Using Ruby on Rails
Ever wonder how to scan any file for a virus...
Integrating ReactJS with Rails Application
There is lot of buzz(1, 2) around ReactJS and lot many tech...
Amazon Web Services S3: How to Enable Versioning
Why Should I Use Versioning? As per the FAQ, Amazon S3...
FullCalendar - Javascript Event Calendar – Duplicate Events
While working on web applications, we always come across a...
How to Install Mariadb on Ubuntu and Connect Ruby on Rails?
MariaDB is a community-developed fork of the MySQL relational database management system...