How To Setup Up Rspec In A Rails Application For Testing – A Lean Version
Ruby on Rails, Technology
RSpec is the most popular testing framework among Ruby community and we also use it extensively. Let’s see how to set up it quickly in any Rails application without getting into many details.
Lean Version
Step 1 - Setting up Rails Application
New Rails App
$ rails new myapp -T
Existing Rails App
Remove app/test
directory if present
Step 2 - Install gems
Configure Gemfil
e as per the below gist and bundle
Step 3 - Install and Configuring RSpec
Run the following command
$ rails generate rspec:install
Configure .rspec
Add following lines in .rspec
-- require spec_helper
-- order rand
-- format documentation
Configure Database Cleaner
Add the following in rails_helper.rb
Now, run rspec
to ensure setup complete
That’s it!!
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Amit Patel
Amit is the COO and Co-founder of BoTree Technologies. He is a developer advocate and solution architect at the company. He has helped many SME and Large corporations digitize their business operations. He loves hanging out with friends and meditate.