More than 380,000+ websites use Ruby on Rails in their technology stack in 2021. The framework is known for its rapid app development capabilities. Our developers build at least 25% to 40% faster products with Ruby on Rails software development.

Apart from its speed, Ruby on Rails allows building high-quality applications at an affordable price. Ruby on Rails development services cost on average around $25,000 to $50,000. It is a big advantage over other frameworks like Django, Laravel, and others, whose average cost could go around hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Of course, the cost also depends on the complexity of the project. Ruby on Rails web development simplifies creating web applications through its third-party plugins, seamless development environment, and constant upgrades. This reminds us that Ruby on Rails upgrade services are constantly gaining momentum as companies move from the older versions to Rails 6.0 and will now eventually migrate to Rails 7.0

This article will focus on why we use Ruby on Rails as our preferred framework for web applications. At BoTree Technologies, we have a team of 50+ Ruby on Rails developers, and we suggest the framework to everyone who wants a web application within specific parameters. But Why?

Read more: Top 15 Reasons to Rely on Ruby on Rails

7 Reasons We prefer Ruby on Rails Web Development

Ruby on Rails is an open-source and versatile framework. It follows simple rules for development that every Ruby on Rails developer admires. BoTree’s team of Rails developers have built some of the best applications using the framework – including one of the leading fashion websites in Singapore

What makes it so perfect that we keep on using it? Here are 7 reasons Ruby on Rails app development is so prevalent at BoTree – 

  1. Highly Experienced Developers
    • We have developers who have worked with the framework for years. Some of them have been with us for 6+ years. They understand the ins and outs of the frameworks. Rails has gone through some drastic changes over the years, so it’s important to have experienced developers who can work through those changes and upgrades.
    • Our developers have also helped train some of the team members and interns – therefore, they are skilled enough to guide as well. An experienced Ruby on Rails app developer has a much better understanding of the technology than a junior one.
  1. Faster App Development
    • By following the agile methodology in Ruby on Rails application development, we improve the development time and build apps 25% to 40% faster. Rails has pre-built components that reduce the hassle of writing a lot of code from scratch. Our agile style comes in handy when working with Rails.
    • Faster application development in Ruby on Rails also entails more time to market the products. It gives a first-mover advantage to companies with unique ideas, which leads to a competitive edge.
  1. Diverse Industry Applications
    • Ruby on Rails is one of the best technologies that have applications in multiple industries. From FinTech to HealthTech, Rails works wonders for every vertical. The code is highly powerful and versatile, enabling developers to add features that are required by specific industries.
    • Developers at BoTree build apps using Ruby on Rails in ecommerce, finance, healthcare, logistics, real estate, entertainment, and several other industries. We have successfully delivered 200+ projects in Ruby on Rails in multiple sectors. Therefore, developers have the skillset to understand the requirements of businesses in industries across the globe.
  1. Powerful Development Environment
    • Ruby on Rails framework uses the Convention over Configuration and Don’t Repeat Yourself philosophies. It means that there’s no need to be extra spontaneous or configure things on the go. The development environment is already set up with the best parameters for development.
    • Tools are readily available in the framework, and it focuses highly on reducing redundancies. Therefore, our developers work hard to make sure that there’s no code repetition. However, the framework automatically eliminates such things as there are pre-built components that can be used for the app.

Click here: Configuring Razorpay Webhook

  • Easy Plugin Integration
    • Rails application development services offer the wonderful benefit of easy plugin integration – or RubyGems. These are third-party plugins that eliminate the hassle of writing code from scratch while building applications. So if you want a feature that is difficult to implement, just check if there’s already a RubyGem available for the same.
    • Some of the most popular plugins are available for code testing, payment gateway integration, debugging, and more. There’s a plugin for almost everything – so developers don’t need to worry about how they will add a feature.
  1. Wide Ruby on Rails Community
    • Ruby on Rails is a mature framework – so the community is really huge. There’s support for adding features, project implementation, coding issues, and more. A lot of documentation is also available that simplifies the task of Ruby on Rails web development. It helps developers get a better idea of what they are doing.
    • The community provides constant upgrades to the framework, keeping it relevant to the times. Ruby on Rails app development is still preferred by startups because it offers so much flexibility and upgrades.
  1. Cost-effective Applications
    • Even after over a decade since launch, Rails applications are cost-effective. Startups use the technology because it doesn’t put a hole in their pocket. Since the application development time is faster, there’s no need to deploy developers for a long time, and it makes sense to hire a Ruby on Rails company to which you can outsource the project.
    • Outsourcing the Rails project is affordable because you won’t have to keep the developers after the project is complete. The management of the team is also taken care of by the company itself – so there’s no need to spend money on perks & benefits, compensations, and more.

Checkout: Ruby on Rails by the Numbers: Why Choose for App Development?

Bottom Line

More and more companies hire Ruby on Rails consulting companies because it provides leverage to grow faster and a competitive advantage. The technology offers the best of everything – high-quality development, third-party plugins, and affordability.

Companies that have new application ideas should start with Ruby on Rails rapid application development to get their apps much faster than other frameworks. BoTree Technologies, a leading Ruby on Rails software development company, is your technology partner for powerful and dynamic Rails applications. 

Contact us today for a FREE CONSULTATION.